Between her studio in Rueil-Malmaison and the construction sites she likes to investigate for her reports, Corinne Dauger handles the palette of her oil colors as well as the zoom of her camera. In fact, it took her a double degree from HEC and later Fine Arts at the Royal Academy of Brussels, before taking the plunge, and daring to devote herself solely to her passion, from 2003 onwards. It was in Madrid, where she was living at the time, that she sold her first paintings. Back in France in 2009, she pursued her dream, went on to exhibit and also experimented with new media such as painting on metal. Always fascinated by Pop Art, American realism and the Bauhaus, she claimed to be a figurative artist. Passionate about the urbanism of megacities, it is not in vain to say that she is a true globetrotter, curious and eager to travel. “I visit three cities a year,” she says. “After Chicago, Dubai and Shanghai, I’m about to discover Istanbul.” While she draws her inspiration from the architectures of the great capitals, she likes to introduce the contrast provided by the female image. This archetypal woman who inhabits her works is never brunette, nor redhead, but blonde. She’s the Hitchcockian woman – feminine archetype of the celestial Venus – which can be found in each of her paintings as in a series, the expression of a sublimated, strong and charismatic woman. Staged sometimes indoors, sometimes outdoors, whether lying down or standing, this woman remains elusive and most often from the front or from the back. Her paintings, in which light occupies a major place – effects of shadow and rays of light – maintain mystery. Mischievous like dear Alfred, Corinne Dauger likes to create atmospheres that she also inhabits in her own way… “She has always been fascinated by Pop Art, American Realism and the Bauhaus.
Remarkable paintings

Inspirations by corinne Dauger
I have always been inspired by architecture, a career I’ve been considering. In particular, the metal architecture of the nineteenth century, which is structure in its purest state, and the Bauhaus architecture or the one inspired by it, for the elegance and purity of its volumes. I like to work with imaginary compositions, with a great requirement for balance and purity of décor, structured by perspectives that give depth to the painting. I play with light with a rather tight and nuanced color palette, to create an enveloping and mysterious atmosphere, an apparent stillness. I only work with oil for its transparency and the finesse of the shades of color. I have a predilection for Hitchcockian blondes, who run through my paintings, most often from behind. Their elegant, conquering and sensual silhouette creates a contrast with the rigor of the vanishing lines. A curve is all the more moving when it is underlined by a line, and vice versa. Each painting is almost like a cinematic freeze frame, a moment of light that captures an imaginary moment, the rest of which can be imagined.
Corinne Dauger, January 2024
INSPIRATIONS CORINNE DAUGER ( version originale en français)
J’ai toujours été inspirée par l’architecture, une carrière que j’ai envisagée d’ailleurs. En particulier l’architecture métallique du XIXème siècle qui est structure à l’état pur, et l’architecture Bauhaus ou celle qui s’en inspire, pour l’élégance et la pureté de ses volumes. J’aime travailler des compositions imaginaires, avec une grande exigence d’équilibre et de pureté de décor, structurées par des perspectives qui donnent de la profondeur au tableau. Je joue de la lumière avec une palette de couleurs plutôt serrée et nuancée, pour créer une atmosphère enveloppante et mystérieuse, une immobilité apparente. Je ne travaille qu’à l’huile pour sa transparence et la finesse des nuances de couleurs. J’ai une prédilection pour les blondes hitchcockiennes, qui traversent mes tableaux, le plus souvent de dos. Leur silhouette élégante, conquérante et sensuelle crée un contraste avec la rigueur des lignes de fuite. Une courbe est d’autant plus émouvante qu’elle est soulignée par une ligne, et réciproquement. Chaque tableau se présente presque comme un arrêt sur image cinématographique, un instant de lumière qui capture un moment imaginaire, dont on peut imaginer la suite.
recent exhibitions
. Espace Caillebotteri – PARIS 8ème
. Etude Rossini- Paris 8ème
. Galerie Terre de Contrastes – DINARD
. Lille Art Fair – LILLE
. Atelier Guy Martin – PARIS
. Galerie Véronèse – NANTES
. Hotel de Brossier LVMH – PARIS
. Espace LHOMOND – PARIS 5ème
. Galerie Art City – Salon AAF BRUXELLES – P
. Salon des Indépendants – PARIS
. GMAC Bastille – PARIS
. Salon LINEART – Gand – Belgique
. GMAC Chatou – PARIS
. Exposition individuelle Galerie Estandarte – MA
. AAF (Affordable Art Fair) Galerie Art City – PAR
. Galerie Art City – PARIS
. Vente enchères Neuilly DROUOT – PARIS
. Salon ART CAPITAL – Grand Palais PARIS
. Salon d’Automne – Espace Auteuil PARIS
. Salon ESTAMPA Galerie Estandarte MADRID
. Galeria Paz Feliz MADRID
. Galerie Nouvelle , NEW YORK USA
. Galerie Gaudi – Salon Europ’Art, GENEVE
. Exposition individuelle Estay Arte, MADRID
. Exposition individuelle Galerie Rina Bouwen, M
. Salon des Artistes Indépendants , PARIS
. Salon Art Capital Grand Palais, PARIS
. Galerie Saphir, PARIS 17e
. Exposition individuelle HEC – JOUY EN JOSAS
the artist in the CITY

Between her studio in Rueil-Malmaison and the construction sites she likes to investigate for her reports, Corinne Dauger handles the palette of her oil colors as well as the zoom of her camera. In fact, it took her a double degree from HEC and later Fine Arts at the Royal Academy of Brussels, before taking the plunge, and daring to devote herself solely to her passion, from 2003 onwards. It was in Madrid, where she was living at the time, that she sold her first paintings. Back in France in 2009, she pursued her dream, went on to exhibit and also experimented with new media such as painting on metal. Always fascinated by Pop Art, American realism and the Bauhaus, she claimed to be a figurative artist. Passionate about the urbanism of megacities, it is not in vain to say that she is a true globetrotter, curious and eager to travel. “I visit three cities a year,” she says. “After Chicago, Dubai and Shanghai, I’m about to discover Istanbul.” While she draws her inspiration from the architectures of the great capitals, she likes to introduce the contrast provided by the female image. This archetypal woman who inhabits her works is never brunette, nor redhead, but blonde. She’s the Hitchcockian woman – feminine archetype of the celestial Venus – which can be found in each of her paintings as in a series, the expression of a sublimated, strong and charismatic woman. Staged sometimes indoors, sometimes outdoors, whether lying down or standing, this woman remains elusive and most often from the front or from the back. Her paintings, in which light occupies a major place – effects of shadow and rays of light – maintain mystery. Mischievous like dear Alfred, Corinne Dauger likes to create atmospheres that she also inhabits in her own way… “She has always been fascinated by Pop Art, American Realism and the Bauhaus.