Vanessa Longo (b. 1974)

photos courtesy of Vanessa longo ©2022-2024 All rights reserved.

I am me, I want to be only me, and you should accept it.” – Vanessa Longo


I met Vanessa Longo in New York, in 2014.

As I am always scouting for exceptional talents, I was impressed by the originality and beauty of her work, and by the uniqueness of her style. I immediately invited her to join the group of exceptional artists I support and promote permanently, and offered her to exhibit in prestigious galleries in New York and in Paris.

Vanessa Longo combines her absolute mastering of painting with a very original addition of an unusual medium: copper. She paints women in an expressionist style with animals or mythological beings fashioned in copper, and nailed to the panel. Vanessa Longo depicts women not anymore set against a foe, but penetrating in these extraordinary beings.

Her inspiration seems to be an attempt to pass a strong message about the fragilities and also the strengths of women in our world. It is an assertion of the fact that she is incensed at the fact of general non acceptance of difference, and refuses to resign herself to common standards. “I am me, I want to be only me, and you should accept it”.

Vanessa Longo is one of these very rare artists who combine an exceptional talent with their underlying strong message to humanity. Besides the incredible beauty of her works, I cannot conclude without saying that Vanessa Longo’s art goes in perfect harmony with a pure spirituality, and translates the fact that she is among the rarest human beings that we are lucky to encounter.

Her art invites us to introspection, and to consider that we must recognize difference, especially when it stems from such a beautiful soul.

Vanessa Longo has travelled all around the world taking part in numerous prestigious exhibitions. She is credited by collectors and art lovers. I am very proud that she entrusted to me the task to reveal her great talent to the world.


Vanessa Longo was born in Motta Livenza, near Treviso, in 1974. At the age of 14, she decided to enroll in art school at the Liceo Artistico Statale in Treviso. She took her “A” levels in 1992 with top marks.

Vanessa enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice where she was awarded a scholarship for merit (1994\1995) and the “Erasmus” scholarship for exchange students which she fullfiled at the “Universidad Complutense” of Madrid in 1996. In 1997 she graduated university in sculpture with top marks.

In 1999 Vanessa moved to London  where she created a media frenzy by joining art  exhibitions, conferences, as well as by arranging her own personal events, having much success. However, in 2005 Vanessa decided to come back to Italy.

In 1999 she won “The Artist Residence Program” and had the chance to work in a sculptor workshop, Kalani Honua Inc.  a  Pahoa – Hawaii.  Afterwards she set up the personal exhibition “Vanessa Longo half-naked and naked bodies ” within the international event “Tecniche libere” at the “Galleria Modiglioni” in Milan where she was brilliantly reviewed by judges of the competition at the “Rebecca Hossack” gallery in London.

Between 2000 and 2002 she joined the ”XX Premio Florence” arranged at Palazzo dei Cinquecento painting pavilion in Florence and devised the art exhibition “Enigmas” at the ” Kitchen Art Space” at Bagno a Ripoli (FI) and at ”Cosmostudio” in Florence. She was appointed event organizer at the ”Kitchen Art Restaurant” at Bagno a Ripoli, (FI) as well as at the Art Circle “Labirinta” in Oderzo, TV.

During the same time, she worked as an environmental decorator at “Dreoni Giocattoli” in Florence and at the resort hotel “Tyrol” in Seefeld (Innsbruk).  She then started teaching pottery decoration at the Residence  “Borgo di Villa Bossi-Pucci”, Montagnana (FI).

In 2003, among other various commitments, she was appointed Art Director at the “Momoyama Art Bistrot” in Florence, illustrated several children’s books with editor “Edizioni Tredici” in Oderzo, and worked as a decorator in the shop “Leonetti” in Naples. She also took part in “Artisti in Fiera” in Parma and  “Festa dell’arte varia” in Reggio Emilia, while arranging personal exhibition at “La Casa 139” art gallery in Milan.

At that time she joined the Free International Artists who had launched an intense artistic and cultural activity fostering values of camaraderie, free thinking and free cultural exchange among artists. Afterwards she became one of the leaders of the cultural circle where she once again took part in “Artisti in Fiera” in Parma and other events such as, the “Festival Internacional Lucero del Alba” arranged by “Universidad Tecnològica Tula-Tepeji”; this led to the creation of twenty murals (Hidalgo, Messicothe international exhibition “La Città Nascosta” set up in 2004  by the association “Tempo Reale” at the  Congress Centre “La Serra” (Ivrea), directed by Alberto Negro (Turin).

Other Significant experiences were:

–      “La Ruta de Quetzalcòtl en los Metros del Mundo” at the art gallery “Unidad Iztapalapa” at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México, (Mexico) in 2004;

–       International Mural painting “La Ruta de Quetzalcòtl en los Metros del Mundo” at the train station San Lazaro at the Sistema Transporte Colectivo Metro de la Ciudad de México (Mexico);

–      International  exhibition “Stracci al Vento” presented in the Botanic Garden of the Science Faculty at the University “Federico II” of  Naples by Enzo Marino; the “Fernando Santi Institute” and the Free International Artists, within the “Maggio dei Monumenti” in Naples, in 2005;

–       International art exhibition “Homenaje al Dr. Miguel León Postilla” with works inspired by “15 poetas del mundo Náhuatl” and “Visión de los Vencidos”, displayed at the “Galería del Colegio Nacional” in October 2005.  Afterwards it was exhibited at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, the  Estación Hidalgo del Sistema de Transporte Colectivo Metro, and at the  Casas de Cultura or Galerías de las Delegaciones del Distrito Federal at the Consejos Estatales para la Cultura y las Artes in the central district of the Repúblic;

–       She joined the  “VI. Women’s International Conference 2005” in Graz (Austria) under the artistic leadership of Christine Kertz, an event cherished by the cultural circle “Esmeralda”, founded by Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, and by the Art Gallery “Menache” in Mexico City.  The event was followed by the international exhibition “Woman and Migration” at the Kunsterhaus  in Graz.

In December 2009 she was awarded a grant and did her master’s degree in Art Management and wins a special prix from the jury of “nationale des beaux arts” at Carrousel du Louvre. Paris.

Vanessa currently lives and exhibits between Florence and New York.

Vanessa Longo is acknowledged in several catalogues and yearbooks, and her works are housed by private and public collections.


2010   – Takes part at art exhibition “Il Nudo” at art gallery“11 Dreams” , via Rinarolo 11c   15057, Tortona (AL). Cured by Sofia Sicula.

2010   – Takes part at  “ suoni e luci del Piemonte in Egitto”, in Damanhour, Egipt. Cured

by International Association Cleopatra and Alma Star Association, and by regione Piemonte.

2010 -Wins the contest “L’arte in fondo” to exhibit in Anghiari (AR).

2010   –  Personal Exhibition at Sarteano Castle

2010  – Wins a scholarship grant and takes part to Master “art management” realized by  Firenze’s province, cured by Le-Man, Firenze

2009   –   Wins a special prix from the jury of “nationale des beaux arts” at Carrousel du  Louvre. Paris.

2009   – Permanent exhibition at the art gallery Tornabuoni. Borgo San Jacopo  Firenze.  Italy

2008  –  Art exhibition at “Fine Arts Cove”, via dè Benci, 50122, Firenze. Italy.           

2007  –  Art exhibition at “Fine Arts Cove”, via dè Benci, 50122, Firenze. Italy.

2006 – Takes part at “London Biennale”, Stables Gallery Orlean’s Haouse –  London                    

2006 – International exhibition at the art gallery “Schloß Lendava” in Slovenia.

2006   – International exhibition at the art gallery “Schloß  Batthàny  Körmend” in  Ungheria                    

2006  – International art exhibition “Folate iridescenti” at monumental complex Villa Doria d’Angri in Naples

2005   – International art exhibition at “Lerchhaus”, Eibiswald/South 2005   – Art exhibition at “Fine Arts Cove”, via dè Benci, 50122, Firenze. Italy.

2005  – International art exhibition “Homenaje al Dr. Miguel León Portilla” at: the “Galería  del Colegio Nacional, Mexico City, México then subsequently, between 2005 and 2006, at:

– Unidad Iztapalapa  Gallery at Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico City.

– Culture Houses and Galleries of the Federal District Delegations, Tepeij Mexico.

– Hidalgo Station , System of Collective Traport Meter, Mexico City.

– State Councils for the Culture and the Arts of Republic area center that which is made up of ten States. Mexico.

2005  – International exhibition” Stracci al Vento” – Botanical Garden of the Science Faculty at university of studies of Naples” Federico II.” Naples (Italy).

    –   2005  –  “VI. Women’s International Conference 2005”  Kunsterhaus –Graz  (Austria).


2005 – “L’arte di Vanessa Longo” art Gallery ”Bomboniere” – Sanremo (Italia).  

2004  –  International art exhibition” Città nascosta” Room Dome of the Congress Center ” La Serra” in Ivrea  (Italia) –  –  

2004 – “International festival Lucero del Alba” – Universidad Tecnològica Tula-Tepeji. (México) (realization of a mural).

2004 – “La Ruta de Quetzalcòtl en los Metros del Mundo” . Station San Lazaro of the System of  Collective Transports Meter in Mexico City. (Mexico).


2004  – “La Ruta de Quetzalcòtl en los Metros del Mundo” – Unidad Iztapalapa Gallery

             at Autonoma Metropolitana University in México City (México)..


2003  –  “Artisti in Fiera”  – stand 53-55. Parma (Italy).

2003 –  “Vanessa Longo, opere recenti”  personal exihibition at the art space “ La Casa 139”, Milan (Italy)

2003  –  “Festa dell’Arte varia” at the Centro Fiere in Reggio Emilia (Italy).

2002 –   XX Premio Firenze, (selected for ” Painting Section ” to exhibit at Palazzo dei 500 in Florence) (Italy).

2002  –  ”ENIGMI” personal exhibition at the art gallery “Cosmostudio”, Firenze (Italy).

1999 –  Wins the entry competition for a month workshop” The Artist Residence Program” in a Hawaiian residence for artists Kalani Honua Inc – Pahoa, (Hawaii)

1999  –  “Vanessa Longo Seminudi e Nudi” personal exhibition at the art gallery  Modigliani – Milan (Italy)

1999  –  Competition at the art gallery “Rebecca Hossack” –  London (G B)

1999 – Permanent exhibition “Longo Vanessa “at “Villa Morosini”, Ponte di Piave(TV) (Italy)


2005 – “Homenaje al Dr. Miguel León Postilla”- UTTT – Tula (México)

2005 – “Stracci al Vento” –Fernando Santi Institute– Naples (Italy)

2005 – “woman and migration” – WIC – Graz (Austria)

2004 – “Città nascosta”. TempoReale. Turin (Italy)

2004 – “La Ruta de Quetzalcòtl en los Metros del Mundo” – UTTT – Tula (México)

2003 – “Artisti in Fiera” – Cultural events– Parma (Italy)

2002 – “XX PREMIO FIRENZE” – Electa –Florence (Italy)


La Repubblica, L’Unità, Art in Botanical Garden, Orto Botanico Arte, Unidad Hidalguense,

El Sol de Hidalgo, El Financiero, La Capital, Firenze Spettacolo, La Voce del Campo, La Tribuna, Il


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